Saturday 3 March 2012

Multiplication Board

Today I introduced to Daria the Multiplication Board. It is actually the original division board, but it can be used to multiply as well. I just wanted to save money and have bought only one board.

First I explained her what the multiplication is, where is used, and how it works. Few weeks ago Daria was doing some basic multiplying while calculating addition.

Some examples were:

2 + 2 = 4         so 2 x 2 = 4 
2 + 2 + 2 = 6  so 3 x 2 = 6
3 + 3 + 3 = 9  so 3 x 3 = 9

Today I explained to Daria few basic maths laws of multiplication.

1. Any number multiplied by 1 equals the same number:
A x 1 = A

2. Any number multiplied by 0 equals  0:
 A x 0 = 0

3. Interchange of multipliers:
A x B = B x A

4. Multiplying by 10.

2 x 10 = 20
4 x 10 = 40

The purpose of using the multiplication board is to work out the multiplication tables.

Control of Error: The child can check the answers against the summary of tables or control sheet.

The basic idea to introduce multiplication board is: (the theory will be slightly different as original multiplication board will have red bid to show multiplier and numbers to stick into the board). Anyway my way is still good.

Ask your kid what s/he wants to multiply and how many times s/he would like to multiply it. The child may choose 3 and 4. Place 3 beads under number 1, 3 once, 3 beads under number 2, 3 twice, 3 beads under number 3, 3 three times, 3 beads under 4, 3 four times. Then count the answer stressing the multiples of 3 - 3, 6, 9, 12. 

When the child understands how to use the board give him/her a sheet of problems e.g. 6 x 3 =; 7 x 2 . The child works out the answers using the board and records. The child does as many of these problems as s/he wishes until s/he has a thorough knowledge of how to do multiplication. 

A sheet of tables may next be used. Initially s/he may take out 6 once and then replace all the beads into the box and then go onto 6 twice and replace all the beads into the box again. S/He’ll soon realise that s/he doesn’t have to do this and will eventually leave e.g. 6 five times on the board and just get another set of 6 beads for 6 six times. It’s up to the child to realise this for him/herself.


Another way to introduce multiplying and skip counting is to use square chains, but that we will try another day.

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